You spend night after night dreading bedtime. You hear the baby crying and can’t believe they’re awake again when you just put them to bed an hour ago. Or, you finally get your child to sleep, only to watch them wake up as soon as your transfer them to their crib. You feel beat mentally, physically and emotionally as you start the process all over again.
You’re frustrated your bed has become the family bed. You want your bed back to yourself and crave alone time with your spouse but you have to be lying next to your child in order for them to fall asleep. You’re so exhausted from lack of sleep that you can’t remember the last time you woke up in the morning feeling rested and happy. You’re starting to resent your spouse for not helping at night, you’re always getting sick and you’re nervous that you’ll screw something up at work because you’re so sleepy. You long for the days when your evenings were relaxing and you had time for yourself. You want your evenings back so you can binge watch your favorite shows, read a book or just enjoy some quiet time before bed. You’d love to get 8 straight hours of sleep at night. Imagine how you’ll feel after 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep. You’ll feel more put together, organized and less stressed. You’ll no longer have to do 2am internet searches for ‘help my baby sleep,’ read another book or try another piece advice from well-meaning family and friends. You’ll no longer fear bedtime because you and your child enjoy the quality time together. Imagine being able to lay your baby down in their crib and say goodnight. Best of all, you and your baby will sleep through the night. You’re ready to make a change but aren’t sure where to start. Does any of this feel familiar to you?
When you complete Transform Your Nights:
Meet Christine - Top Sleep Consultant in the U.S.Like lots of moms, I struggled with my own daughter's sleep. I've been there...exhausted, frustrated and just hoping for a few extra hours of sleep. Now, my daughter sleeps falls asleep independently at bedtime and is happy when she wakes in the morning. I found a solution that worked for my family and now I want to show other parents that you can get a full night of sleep and so can your child. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to be sleep deprived!
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